5 Stunning Places Every Jetsetter Should Visit
09 July 2022
Submission to Nairobi Work Programme Adaptation Committee paper
The Higher Ground Foundation submitted comments for the forthcoming Nairobi Work Programme Adaptation Committee (AC) paper, "Technical paper on adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) at the national and subnational level." In the submission, we discuss how VRCs and the Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation (AMME) Framework it developed could both be used to support improved M&E.
Read the submission here.
17 January 2022
Higher Ground Foundation joins Adaptation Research Alliance
The Higher Ground Foundation is pleased to join the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) as a member. This global collaborative effort seeks to catalyse increased investment and capacity for action-orientated research that support effective adaptation to climate change – primarily in developing countries – at the scale and urgency demanded by the science.
For more information visit: https://southsouthnorth.org/portfolio_page/adaptation-research-alliance/

28 October 2021
Feasibility Study Underway: Cote d’Ivoire Climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit feasibility and pilot design
The Higher Ground Foundation is partnering with the Ivory Coast Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development under UNDP and GCF funding to lay the groundwork for vital adaptation management infrastructure in Ivory Coast and beyond.
This groundbreaking effort addresses three parallel goals: 1) the design of a VRC pilot project; 2) the development and bootstrapping of a VRC-based adaptation fund; and 3) the commissioning of a National Adaptation Management System for Ivory Coast.

IPAM Membership Opening
Monday, November 23, 2020
A membership opening webinar was held over two sessions on November 5th, 2020, raising a considerable interest, with 186 people registered, coming from 49 countries. The webinar started with a keynote by the IPCC’s executive secretary and a word of welcome from AAA the Initiative Foundation’s Director General, followed by an introduction to IPAM's vision and structure, a presentation of the metrics mapping project, an explanation of opportunities for Institutional, Associate, and Sponsorship participation, and a description of the goals of the four existing sub-committees.
Click here to download IPAM Webinar 5 Nov 2020 presentation
HGF is a founding member of the IPAM, and HGF’s Karl Schultz is acting as the IPAM Steering Committee Chair along with Chair of the Techniques and Tools Committee. For more information on becoming a member, please visit the “membership" section of the IPAM website,

Join the upcoming IPAM Membership Opening Webinar
Friday, October 30, 2020
The Steering Committee of the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) is hosting a membership and activities launch, led by a keynote speech by Abdalah Mokssit, Secretary, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The formulation of standardized adaptation metrics is one of the great trans-disciplinary challenges of our time. Building knowledge and consensus on adaptation metrics is critical for climate adaptation policy and business imperatives at all scales, functions, and sectors, to articulate and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and for investment decision-making at scale. IPAM is launching so as to find common purpose to address these concerns.
The Higher Ground Foundation is honored to chair the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) and HGF’s Karl Schultz will present during the membership launch webinar on November 5.
5 November, 2020 9 – 10:30 and 4 – 5:30 UTC
For more information on IPAM, visit www.adaptationmetrics.org

HGF pleased to be a founding member of the International Platform for Adaptation Metrics (IPAM)
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
HGF is very pleased to be one of the founding members of the International Platform for Adaptation Metrics (IPAM). HGF signed IPAM's Memorandum of Agreement along with three other institutions on May 22 of 2020, and is responsible for steering the Techniques and Tools Sub-committee. “The IPAM fills a critical and timely role to convene and focus expertise on adaptation metrics, a critical need to steer investment to climate adaptation," HGF Executive Chairman Karl Schultz mentions. “HGF believes that only through collaboration with other expert and sectoral organisations will it be possible to identify and deploy metrics that point to the best approaches and projects supporting climate vulnerable communities."
HGF has been involved in the international conferences and workshops on adaptation metrics organised since 2016 that have culminated in the creation of IPAM. For more information on IPAM and how you could participate, read the linked “IPAM in a Nutshell” document here.
HGF Creates Contingent Valuation Database
Looking to collaborate with partners to expand use of CV for adaptation
Monday, September 30, 2019
The Higher Ground Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the first-of-its kind database of contingent valuation studies applicable for climate adaptation impact assessment.
HGF Executive Chairman, Karl Schultz, notes that "many of the real impacts of climate change cannot be measured using market pricing approaches, and require alternative approaches to incorporate their values into the avoided impact analysis. While AICs that are calculated from market prices are completely appropriate, non-market AICs are equally important and applicable, but may be more challenging to establish with sufficient confidence."
The database, prepared by HGF intern Theeranai (Bek) Charaschanya, is intended to provide support in estimating the non-monetised factors, and refers to work HGF has undertaken in creating an accessible database of applicable studies.
HGF is opening up a dialogue with experts who are interested and/or are developing expertise in valuing adaptation impact costs and benefit. We wish to share our findings while gathering from the experts community more insights, studies, and data that can support AIC estimation.
VRCs for Cities Presented at Adaptation Metrics Conference
HGF contributes to conference featuring IPCC's Chairman and Secretary
Friday, October 26, 2018
Higher Ground participated during the week of October 24 - 27 in the latest Adaptation Metrics Conference at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir, Morocco. Of note:
- The conference started with a launch event for the IPCC's Special Report on 1.5 degrees, with Hoesung Lee and Abdalah Mokssit, IPCC's Chair and Secretary outlining the findings and plans for the upcoming sixth assessment
- The conference focussed on metrics for water, agriculture, and cities.
- HGF gave a keynote presentation on "Cities as systems: application of vulnerability reduction credits across heterogenous stressors for dynamic adaptations"
- HGF also contributed to an advanced course preceding the conference, giving a comprehensive overview of adaptation metrics.
HGF Signatory to ResilienceINTEL Charter
HGF will partner to harmonize data/approaches for measuring climate resilience
Sunday, October 14, 2018
The Higher Ground Foundation (HGF) is very pleased to be a signatory to the Founding Charter of the ResilienceINTEL initiative.
ResilienceINTEL is a coalition effort, intended to leverage economy-shaping insights from the fields of Earth-systems science, social sciences and economics, public and private finance, industry and community-level quality-of-life, to visualize overall resilience. HGF’s principles are fully in line with the Charter’s Principles, Aims and Mission and we look forward to forging a strong partnership to support our mutual objectives and harmonize the climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) and its Standard Framework with the insights of ResilienceINTEL.
HGF unveils our Statement on Policy and Processes
A statement on our PIPP phase
Friday, June 15, 2018
We've just released a statement that comprehensively explains the ins and outs of the Pilot Implementation and Partnerships Phase and what it means to be a part of this phase. If you're thinking about teaming up with Higher Ground as a partner, do read through this statement to get a better understanding of what your roles, rights, and obligations would be.